About Anglia - Search Results  

Your search for produced 4 matches ...

 1  Perceptive Instruments
Perceptive Instruments - A Leading Developer and supplier of image analysis systems and data processing software. We serve clients involved in health care, environmental monitoring and pharmaceutical, food and other manufacturing industries throughout the world.
     URL : www.perceptive.co.uk

 2  Amtra
AMTRA is an independent regulatory body whose task it is to ensure that the marketing and distribution of animal medicines in the UK is undertaken in a responsible manner by AMTRA qualified persons.
     URL : www.amtra.org.uk/

 3  East Anglia Branch
The East Anglia Branch, one of thirteen regional branches of the Institute of Physics, has recently (October 1999) been established to organise lectures, meetings and conferences for its members in the East Anglia region, and will also work locally to promote physics, physics education and public understanding of physics.
     URL : www.iop.org

 4  ECM High-Tech-Recruitment
Since 1980, ECM has has offered a free, professional job hunt service for Software Engineers, ASIC,RF,Digital & Analogue Electronics Designers, Mathematicians & Physicists at levels from Fresh Grad/PhD to Project/Team Leader and Tech Director/CTO. Contact ECM now to discuss your carreer requirements.
     URL : www.photonics-jobs.co.uk
